Friday, November 18, 2005
Just wanted to give a little update. I'm playing on Caribbean Sun and boy, what a fish tank. Bad players are trying to suck out all over the place. Can't wait 'til my winter (Christmas, gotta be PC sometimes) break. I'll be playing full time and trying to make some money for gifts.
I did get my rakeback that I was promised from Pokershare, although I'll never go back to them or Ultimate Bet, although I like the software. It was only $75 or so, but every little bit helps.
I am looking forward to the beginning of Stacks Poker. Use the links on the right to get there and play in some freerolls while they test the software. Hopefully, 3D poker will be awesome and the software will allow for multi-tabling. Gonna be real fishy at first.
Keep me up to date on how everyone else is doing online. If you need any help, let me know.
Good Luck,
I did get my rakeback that I was promised from Pokershare, although I'll never go back to them or Ultimate Bet, although I like the software. It was only $75 or so, but every little bit helps.
I am looking forward to the beginning of Stacks Poker. Use the links on the right to get there and play in some freerolls while they test the software. Hopefully, 3D poker will be awesome and the software will allow for multi-tabling. Gonna be real fishy at first.
Keep me up to date on how everyone else is doing online. If you need any help, let me know.
Good Luck,