Monday, December 12, 2005
Screen Names Part 2
All right. Got more screen names to add.
- Poker Champs: FiveOfaKind (registered a while ago). Use POKERGUMBY when you register. I play many games here now. Easy games.
- Caribbean Sun: GUMBY55. Tons of donks, especially low buy in tourneys.
- Party Poker: xxGUMBYxx. I don't play here as much, usually sit 'n gos.
- Absolute Poker: GUMBY55. I like the deposit bonus here. 200% up to $200.
- Bugsy's Club: GUMBY55. Like the small low buy in tourneys. Good mix of tough players and bad ones.
- Poker Room: GUMBYTHYNAME. Have a private tourney set up on Jan. 2nd. Check out previous post.
Come and say hi, or try to beat me. I'm good, but not great. Trying to get there though.
Good Luck,