Monday, June 26, 2006
2nd Place, Wedding, TV, and Me
I haven't written in some time so I need to get some updates posted.
2nd Place Shark Poker Tour Global Invite
This was a freeroll tourney that had around 100 or so people with $1000 added over 54 places. Only the final table paid more than $10. There was some controversy at first when players who didn't qualify registered. They ended up playing and actually taking some of the money away from regular SPT players. Good field of players and I ended up 2nd for $100. Not bad for about 4 hours of work. Plus, it was free to enter for me.
Friend's Wedding
Went to Iowa this past weekend for a good friend's wedding. My girlfriend and I got there Friday night, about a 3 hour drive there, and went to the rehearsal dinner. Stayed up fairly late and then crashed, pretty drunk. Great buffett in the morening, all free. Even better!
Saturday was the wedding and it was a blast. Saw a bunch of people from high school and drank just like we used to do in high school. My volleyball coach was there, a Brother, not colored, collared. A Christian Brother. Caught up on new times and reminisced about old times. Danced and drank, then went to hotel bar and danced and drank. Too much fun!
Sunday brunch was good. The drive home was terrible though. Hit a ton of bad weather in Illinois and then hit a shit ton of traffic in construction zone. Got home around 4ish and left around noon. 4 hours back, that sucked. We had to stop at a cheese place so my girlfriend could load up on some curds. Later on came the "my stomach hurts." I wonder why?
Mansion Poker Dome?
Last night, after we relaxed and at some dinner, I watched the Masion Poker Donkfest on Fox Sports. These players acutally won a tournament to get there. Most of them are horrible. This isn't the first time I've watched this show either. Last time I saw one player fold a set of 4s. No real danger on the board. Ok, whatever.
Last night, I saw a player fold the best hand twice. Once with A-Q and another time a different player folded A-K with top pair Kings, nut flush draw with a pair of queens on board on the turn. This is ridiculous poker. Players were limping all over the place with big hands, A-Q, then folding when they flop an ace. Guy called on flop after he took his time extension. It's speed poker after all. Then check, check turn. He then proceeded to fold on river to a big bet. WOW! What a joke this tournament is. I need to hit Mansion Poker because it seems like there are tons of donkeys there. Maybe I'll check it out.
My Play
I've been doing well at the tables. Not phenomenal, but good. I'm up to around $500 and I have another $150 in bonus money to clear. I keep doing the withdrawal and then deposit when they have their re-deposit bonuses at Absolute Poker. I'm waiting to get around $800-$1000 and then moving $600 over to Full Tilt for their initial deposit bonus of 100% up to $600. Clear that and I'll have around $2000.
I'll probably start cashing out my winnings once I hit $2500 and take out $500 at a crack. I'll try to keep it around 2K in my account and keep doing the bonuses at AP. I'm a VIP there so I get 30-35% unlike the normal 20%. I'll keep the updates coming whenever I can.
Remember to e-mail me with anything you got. pokergumby@hotmail.com
Good Luck at the tables,
2nd Place Shark Poker Tour Global Invite
This was a freeroll tourney that had around 100 or so people with $1000 added over 54 places. Only the final table paid more than $10. There was some controversy at first when players who didn't qualify registered. They ended up playing and actually taking some of the money away from regular SPT players. Good field of players and I ended up 2nd for $100. Not bad for about 4 hours of work. Plus, it was free to enter for me.
Friend's Wedding
Went to Iowa this past weekend for a good friend's wedding. My girlfriend and I got there Friday night, about a 3 hour drive there, and went to the rehearsal dinner. Stayed up fairly late and then crashed, pretty drunk. Great buffett in the morening, all free. Even better!
Saturday was the wedding and it was a blast. Saw a bunch of people from high school and drank just like we used to do in high school. My volleyball coach was there, a Brother, not colored, collared. A Christian Brother. Caught up on new times and reminisced about old times. Danced and drank, then went to hotel bar and danced and drank. Too much fun!
Sunday brunch was good. The drive home was terrible though. Hit a ton of bad weather in Illinois and then hit a shit ton of traffic in construction zone. Got home around 4ish and left around noon. 4 hours back, that sucked. We had to stop at a cheese place so my girlfriend could load up on some curds. Later on came the "my stomach hurts." I wonder why?
Mansion Poker Dome?
Last night, after we relaxed and at some dinner, I watched the Masion Poker Donkfest on Fox Sports. These players acutally won a tournament to get there. Most of them are horrible. This isn't the first time I've watched this show either. Last time I saw one player fold a set of 4s. No real danger on the board. Ok, whatever.
Last night, I saw a player fold the best hand twice. Once with A-Q and another time a different player folded A-K with top pair Kings, nut flush draw with a pair of queens on board on the turn. This is ridiculous poker. Players were limping all over the place with big hands, A-Q, then folding when they flop an ace. Guy called on flop after he took his time extension. It's speed poker after all. Then check, check turn. He then proceeded to fold on river to a big bet. WOW! What a joke this tournament is. I need to hit Mansion Poker because it seems like there are tons of donkeys there. Maybe I'll check it out.
My Play
I've been doing well at the tables. Not phenomenal, but good. I'm up to around $500 and I have another $150 in bonus money to clear. I keep doing the withdrawal and then deposit when they have their re-deposit bonuses at Absolute Poker. I'm waiting to get around $800-$1000 and then moving $600 over to Full Tilt for their initial deposit bonus of 100% up to $600. Clear that and I'll have around $2000.
I'll probably start cashing out my winnings once I hit $2500 and take out $500 at a crack. I'll try to keep it around 2K in my account and keep doing the bonuses at AP. I'm a VIP there so I get 30-35% unlike the normal 20%. I'll keep the updates coming whenever I can.
Remember to e-mail me with anything you got. pokergumby@hotmail.com
Good Luck at the tables,