Tuesday, August 22, 2006
3/6 Ranting!
I just needed a little vent. I got home from work last night, or this morning, took a shower, and played some 3/6 full table at Absolute Poker. I was just about to finish my three tabling, I said I would stop at 5 AM, and then I lost all the winnings I had.
I could have quit when I was up around $80 after 45 minutes, but it was only 10 more minutes 'til 5, so I continued to play. Then 2 hands fu#%ed me. I went into both hands an underdog, but the huge flops put me ahead of both hands. These both happened within a few seconds of each other.
A-5 in BB, button raises, I call. Flop A-5-6, 2 hearts. I lead out he raises, I reraise, and he caps it. Turn 7. I bet, he raises, and I reraise, he caps it. Mistake, I don't think so. I'll bet the river and then see. River J, I bet he raises and I call. He shows A-J for the winner. Damn! $100 pot, I lose!
A few minutes later, another table, I get QQ on button and raise. BB calls. Flop Q-2-3 rainbow. Check-check. Turn 3, he bets, I raise, he reraises and I cap it. River A. He bets and capped again. He shows AA for the aces full winner and another monster hand and pot lost. Damn! RIVERED TWICE IN A FEW MINUTES! Should have left the tables.
So, I end up quitting at 5AM about $20 up. Better than losing, but it could have been more. I think I'll try and play these tables late because of all the action. It seemed like there were many players seeing the flop, but not a ton of chasers to the river with anything. I played tight solid and definitely played well enough where I should have walked away a winner.
I'm short of my $2K goal right now, but Apple is offering students a sweet deal. Buy a MacBook and get a free I-Pod nano, 2GB. I need about $1,300 to buy what I want, and then get the rebate, so I might pull out a bunch of money and start all over from scratch.
I know I'm getting around $200 rakeback next month, so that'll comtribute to the roll. Plus, I have stacked boni (bonuses) in Absolute that need to be cleared.
Rakeback for Others
What I am now offering any player who signs up at Absolute through me is every dime you make me, you will get back! You have 2 months and up to $100. I'll also send you some casino used playing cards from the Reservation of Fun here in Milwaukee. Nice cards, good for homegames!
As always,
Good Luck at the Tables,
AKA Keith
I could have quit when I was up around $80 after 45 minutes, but it was only 10 more minutes 'til 5, so I continued to play. Then 2 hands fu#%ed me. I went into both hands an underdog, but the huge flops put me ahead of both hands. These both happened within a few seconds of each other.
A-5 in BB, button raises, I call. Flop A-5-6, 2 hearts. I lead out he raises, I reraise, and he caps it. Turn 7. I bet, he raises, and I reraise, he caps it. Mistake, I don't think so. I'll bet the river and then see. River J, I bet he raises and I call. He shows A-J for the winner. Damn! $100 pot, I lose!
A few minutes later, another table, I get QQ on button and raise. BB calls. Flop Q-2-3 rainbow. Check-check. Turn 3, he bets, I raise, he reraises and I cap it. River A. He bets and capped again. He shows AA for the aces full winner and another monster hand and pot lost. Damn! RIVERED TWICE IN A FEW MINUTES! Should have left the tables.
So, I end up quitting at 5AM about $20 up. Better than losing, but it could have been more. I think I'll try and play these tables late because of all the action. It seemed like there were many players seeing the flop, but not a ton of chasers to the river with anything. I played tight solid and definitely played well enough where I should have walked away a winner.
I'm short of my $2K goal right now, but Apple is offering students a sweet deal. Buy a MacBook and get a free I-Pod nano, 2GB. I need about $1,300 to buy what I want, and then get the rebate, so I might pull out a bunch of money and start all over from scratch.
I know I'm getting around $200 rakeback next month, so that'll comtribute to the roll. Plus, I have stacked boni (bonuses) in Absolute that need to be cleared.
Rakeback for Others
What I am now offering any player who signs up at Absolute through me is every dime you make me, you will get back! You have 2 months and up to $100. I'll also send you some casino used playing cards from the Reservation of Fun here in Milwaukee. Nice cards, good for homegames!
As always,
Good Luck at the Tables,
AKA Keith
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Every so often, only played 2/4 there. I don't have 8-18 hours to just sit there and play. I play online mostly and some tourneys around the area. If you ever want to play, let me know.
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