Monday, November 06, 2006
I didn't get to DVR this event last week and I was really looking forward to watching this event. I already know who won it, but I saw the final table and was ecstatic to watch this one unravel. I didn't end up watching the final 3 players, but I just wanted to go ever a few hands that I thought were masterfully played.
Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson vs. Chip Reese
Doyle gets QQ in early position and makes a standard raise. Chip looks down at KK and just smooth calls. Commentators are saying that they play very frequently against each other in "The Big Game" in Vegas. They must change their style and try and outplay, and more importantly, out think their opponents. I think the big blind calls with an ace-rag. Little importance to this pot. Flop comes all low cards, 7 high I believe. Doyle bets out $200K. Chip reraises and makes it $500K. The blind folds and it's back to Doyle.
He goes into the tank and I can see doesn't want to lay the hand down. He finally does and when he mucks, a Q gets flipped over. Say he must have had A-Q because there's no way he was laying down QQ in that spot, coming from Andy Bloch, eventual runner-up. What a huge lay down! Even though it crippled his stack, he figured he was beat and laid down the second best hand. Great play by Chip Reese, and an amazing play by Doyle Brunson. I couldn't believe it!
A little while later, in the show, Bloch opens up for a raise with A-9 os. It gets around to Phil Ivey who re-raises with A-K hearts. Reese is in the big blind and looks down at AA and re-raises. Bloch folds of course, and Ivey thinks and then folds. Another huge laydown by these top top top top players. This is why these players win and win and why other players may win and then are not seen for a while.
I can lay down A-K in that spot, but I don't think I could have thrown away the QQ that Doyle did. That's what makes these players great! I want into this HORSE event next year. Anybody willing to put up the $50K for me to enter? How about 1,000 people at $50/person. I'm starting the collection now. I will keep 10% of whatever I win and give the rest back to the investors. I just want to play in it! I have skills in every event played, and have final tabled in other HORSE tourneys. I really don't have a weak game in there. My weakest may actually be NL Hold 'Em...and I'm solid at that.
Any takers?
Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson vs. Chip Reese
Doyle gets QQ in early position and makes a standard raise. Chip looks down at KK and just smooth calls. Commentators are saying that they play very frequently against each other in "The Big Game" in Vegas. They must change their style and try and outplay, and more importantly, out think their opponents. I think the big blind calls with an ace-rag. Little importance to this pot. Flop comes all low cards, 7 high I believe. Doyle bets out $200K. Chip reraises and makes it $500K. The blind folds and it's back to Doyle.
He goes into the tank and I can see doesn't want to lay the hand down. He finally does and when he mucks, a Q gets flipped over. Say he must have had A-Q because there's no way he was laying down QQ in that spot, coming from Andy Bloch, eventual runner-up. What a huge lay down! Even though it crippled his stack, he figured he was beat and laid down the second best hand. Great play by Chip Reese, and an amazing play by Doyle Brunson. I couldn't believe it!
A little while later, in the show, Bloch opens up for a raise with A-9 os. It gets around to Phil Ivey who re-raises with A-K hearts. Reese is in the big blind and looks down at AA and re-raises. Bloch folds of course, and Ivey thinks and then folds. Another huge laydown by these top top top top players. This is why these players win and win and why other players may win and then are not seen for a while.
I can lay down A-K in that spot, but I don't think I could have thrown away the QQ that Doyle did. That's what makes these players great! I want into this HORSE event next year. Anybody willing to put up the $50K for me to enter? How about 1,000 people at $50/person. I'm starting the collection now. I will keep 10% of whatever I win and give the rest back to the investors. I just want to play in it! I have skills in every event played, and have final tabled in other HORSE tourneys. I really don't have a weak game in there. My weakest may actually be NL Hold 'Em...and I'm solid at that.
Any takers?