Friday, May 26, 2006
New Look
I played in a $2 buy-in tourney last night on Absolute Poker, just looking to kill some time. What I did was kill the competition. 275 entrants, $125 for first. Not too bad for such a little investment. I was middle stack most of the way. Worked myself up to second in chips. Back to middle of the road at final table, then I limped with AA utg (under the gun). One caller, then the BB raises, I push all in. Limper folds, BB calls. Pocket 8s. I survive a little longer.
Started heads up, 3-1 ahead on chips. That didn't last. Played HU for about 20 minutes. Tight play and we both got lucky at points. Great hand when I flop the nuts with J-9 os. I check, he checks. Turn 7 pairs the board. I bet. He raises. Sweet, he's got a 7. I go all in and he calls quick. Board doesn't pair and get big lead.
Last hand blinds were big and I raise enough to pot commit. He's got JJ. I catch a straight on the river with K-5 os. HEHE! Sometimes it pays to get lucky. Overall, I played well and got lucky when I needed to. I was only an underdog in hands when I played HU. Not too shabby!
Lastly, if anybody signs up through me and plays 100 raked hands of .50/1 or higher at Absolute, I will send you 2 decks of playing cards free. I pay the shipping. You will also get the famous rakeback. E-mail me with any questions.
Good Luck,
Friday, May 19, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Goals for the Month
- Graduate and then make it to the ceremony (best friend's bachelor party the night before, 2 states away)
- Finish class project so I CAN graduate
- Find another job to support myself (poker doesn't count) which will probably be another bartending job
- Begin work on my portfolio
- Play more poker and more importantly BETTER poker to make some moolah
- Go the gym to get a summer body, not winter luggage
- Watch more Cubs' games
I'll let you know how each of these went or are going. Shit, just got knocked out of tourney with Aces. I raised the hand before UTG with A-Qos and stole the blinds uncontested. Next hand UTG raises to $180 (blinds 30/60) and I re-raise to $385. I have about 1K left and he moves all-in quickly with 9s, I call fast. The fucker flops a set.
Just a $1 two-table sit 'n go, but I'm still pissed after I played so well, laying down a shit ton of hands when I knew I was beat and getting short-stacked. Then getting some back and this jagweed decides his 9s are good. Added to the list, take the few dollars I have in my sites and turn them into $100 at each site. I got $10 free from Absolute. I got $50 free from Pokershare. $10 free from Royal Vegas Poker. Lastly, I still have a few bucks in Full Contact Poker and Poker Champs.
I guess I'll be playing an enormous amount of low buy in tourneys and ring games. We'll see how that turns out.
Good Luck at the tables,