Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Abolute Minimum Wage
Yeah, so I played for 4 hours and walked with $4. I was chip leader for a lot of the tournament. Tripled up twice with trips and the nut straight on flop. I was just trying to improve my game a little bit. I want to expand my expertise.
I did make some money playing limit hold 'em though. There was one player who decided to raise everything to the river. Didn't matter what it was. Made about $20 off of him. It may have been the wife ditching all his money so he couldn't play anymore. Who knows?
Anyway, check out Absolute Poker
My goal for the year, to get a buy-in to a major WSOP or WPT event. Got $20 in Absolute through an affiliate, and am trying to make it grow without depositing. It's working so far. If it doesn't, I still have that wicked bonus to deposit.
Good Luck,
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Party Cash
I cashed and took in $45 bucks which is good, since I've been getting drawn out on on every table I have played in the last week. It has not been going well, but I need to go through the rough patches to make it to the promise land.
Good Luck,
Friday, November 18, 2005
I did get my rakeback that I was promised from Pokershare, although I'll never go back to them or Ultimate Bet, although I like the software. It was only $75 or so, but every little bit helps.
I am looking forward to the beginning of Stacks Poker. Use the links on the right to get there and play in some freerolls while they test the software. Hopefully, 3D poker will be awesome and the software will allow for multi-tabling. Gonna be real fishy at first.
Keep me up to date on how everyone else is doing online. If you need any help, let me know.
Good Luck,
Monday, November 07, 2005
Caribbean Sun
Check it out. Decent software and the players are DONKS! Take that $100 you got from Imperial Poker and put it here. You get $50 for depositing, after 200 hands. Then $40 after you complete 50 more. Every month you play 250 hands, they give you $40. Good stuff!
My screen name is GUMBY55 at Caribbean Sun. Playing 1/2 and below right now. Trying to build a bankroll. I'm still in college!
If you're still in college, check out the College Poker Championship website listed under the links. Use AUL655 and help me pay for college.
Good Luck,GUMBY
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
I'm Pissed
They are sending a check out for the amount I had in my account. Here's a copy of the e-mail I received. Bullshit!
We would like to thank you for being a member of PokerShare. We are writing to inform you that due to a policy change as of November 1, 2005 North American residents are no longer able to play in the PokerShare cardroom. We have closed your account, GUMBY99.
If you had a cash balance in your account we have initiated a withdrawal for you to refund these monies in full. Along with your cash balance we have converted any Tournament Entry Chips (TECs) and included them in the withdrawal of funds.
If you are owed money, you will be receiving a check in full for your entire
account balance to your address on file. Balances in excess of $500 have been sent by FedEx. Smaller balances have been sent by regular mail. We apologize for the inconvenience.
I'm boycotting this site and Ultimate Bet. I updated my last post to erase all UB screen names.
My Screen Names
I was asked what my screen names are at various sites. I am
- GUMBY55 at Bugsy's Club
- xxGUMBYxx at Party Poker
Right now those are the only sites I'm playing at. I haven't been able to play at the College Poker Championship yet, but my screen name there is CUBSFAN13, I think. It logs me in automatically and I haven't played there in a while. Come find me and say hi.
Along the lines of this, I'll list some pro screen names. It's always cool to see how the pros play online.
PokerStars Pro Screen Names
- Dan Negreanu-DoubleSuited
- Mike Matusow-MrPokeJoke
- Greg Raymer-fossilman
- Chris Moneymaker-money800
- Scotty Nguyen- Noo limit
- Phil Hellmuth-#1_Lucky_One
- Howard Lederer-the shrike
- Gus Hansen-brokski
Bugsy's Club
This site gave me some great experience and I still play there every now and again. I enjoy the smaller tournaments with low buy ins. You get a lot of chips, so you have room to play at the beginning of the tournament. The smaller fields give anyone a reasonable chance of winning.
I recommend this site for beginners because they have a variety of games and you can play for those BBPs and play real games. They have very low limits so you can play around with your money without fear of losing your bankroll. You can even freeroll your way to the 2006 WSOP, which I'm trying to do now.
Use any of the links on my site to get a 30% deposit bonus up to $150. Deposit $500 to get the max bonus.
Good Luck,